Thursday, November 13, 2008

Obama 08

Obama won and Christine and I represented Shanghai on the internet:

Thanks to midterms, we were able to take a personal day since neither of us had any proctoring duties. We got to an American style bar called "Malone's" early in the morning on Nov 5 (it was early evening on Nov 4 in the states). They offered an attempt at American breakfast and had CNN on all of the tv's. There was an AP photographer there, since a picture of us cheering with our mouths full started making the virtual rounds immediately. A different picture of a large group of supporters cheering (Christine and I included) made it into the English language paper called China Daily.

Thank you to everyone who told us about our new found fame. To our knowledge we showed up on

Huffington Post
Daily Kos
Democratic Underground
Yahoo News (AP pics)
China Daily
various spam e-mail messages

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